Not A Creature Was Stirring…
Not even THIS mouse. Went into the shop this afternoon to see what the trap-line had for me and lo and behold…. something that must’ve weighed 5 pounds. Snapped so hard it flipped over and nearly cracked the concrete floor. Even soiled itself. In other news, I was thrilled to get a signed photo that […]

Episode 5: Rantoul Or Bust!
Old Pete had a long winter…watching old tractor show reruns on RFD TV all winter (when nothing happens at American -Tractor except blow snow) and listening to Max Armstrong talk about the the century rust show Rantoul burnt a new program into Pete’s EPROM. The final straw was when the The Ford/Fordson Collectors Association Inc […]

Episode 4: A Chicken In Every Pot
Most of us have grown up hearing stories from our elders about how they had to walk to school, uphill both ways and in blizzard conditions to boot. Well, this episode of American Tractor pretty much has that same storyline, except it involves the official truck of American Tractor, the GMC Sierra, driving straight up […]

Episode 2: 1953 Ford Jubilee – Serial NAA114723<>
The Jubilee project was one of our first “mis-adventures” into tractor restoration. This particular tractor was rescued from a life of ill-use, and has retired to our shop for a complete restoration. Having spent many of its years with an oversized loader, the abuse to this poor derilect was intense. “I knew this tractor had […]